Thanks to energy savings and the efficiency of production processes, the Duferco Travi e Profilati Group has set for itself the goal of a compatible economic development in accordance to the environmental sustainability

One of the main objectives of Duferco Travi e Profilati is to contribute to shaping a more sustainable future, placing energy saving as a fundamental goal.

Most of the Group’s energy consumption, linked to steel and metallurgical processes, derives from the consumption of electricity and natural gas.

The production of 1 ton of steel with an electric furnace (EAF) generates up to 10 time less CO2 emission than the equivalent blast furnace production.

These consumptions, thanks to the work of an Energy Team integrated with the whole Group, are optimized through investments in the efficiency of production processes and the promotion of responsible behavior by the employees.

The most current Case Histories concerning energy efficiency projects (electricity), at the Duferco plants, affected the relamping activities of the rolling mills located in Pallanzeno (VB) and Giammoro (ME).

Currently there are 2 active PPAs, Power Purchase Agreements, multi-year fixed-price purchase agreements signed with solar and wind energy producers, which concretely allow the entire San Zeno Naviglio site to be powered for approximately 60 million KWh with a consequent indirect CO2 saving of 28 thousand tons per year.

The plant is equipped with solar systems for the production of electricity. Currently there is a 4,990MW one in the process of being connected, while another 4.2MW one is planned, to reach over 9MW in total.

An important initiative, aimed at reducing natural gas consumption, concerned the steel mill, where with a considerable investment the new ladle heating system was activated. This system can exploit the use of last generation recovery technology burners to reduce fuel requirements by 40% during the process.

The project has been officially recognized by the state owned Gestore dei Servizi Energetici – GSE S.p.A. (Italian State Energy Services Manager), therefore the San Zeno plant has obtained so called TEE (Energy Efficiency Certificates), which certify the achievement of important energy savings in the final uses of energy through interventions aimed at efficiency of industrial plants.

Specifically, so called White Certificates were issued to Duferco, for an amount equal to a saving of 1,750 tons of oil equivalent (“TOE”), which is equivalent to approximately 1,000,000 cubic meters / year of methane gas.